Upper-Intermediate (B2)

图表3. 不同国家废品处理方式比较

2022-04-11 18:19:27 simyang 0


The charts compare three countries in terms of the methods they use to treat hazardous waste


Overall, recycling is the most widely-used approach to treating hazardous waste in Korea, in

contrast to Sweden and the UK which rely mainly on landfills. Furthermore, the United Kingdom

employs a more varied set of waste handling schemes.

In Korea, the most significant share of dangerous waste (69%) is recycled. The second highest

proportion, 22%, is buried underground while less than half this figure is incinerated.

Sweden, on the other hand, favours landfills over the other two approaches since more than

half of all dangerous waste is buried underground. There is little difference between the shares

of recycling and burning, as the former accounts for 25% whereas the share of the latter is lower

by a margin of 5%.

The most popular method in the United Kingdom, like in Sweden, is burying which contributes

82%. The UK also dumps 8% of its waste at sea while treating a similar proportion with chemicals

to render it harmless. Incineration is responsible for a mere 2%.

(180 words)
