
家长与学员们的评价 (2015-2018)

2024-10-14 18:10:25 Tessa 22583

Testimonials from 2015-2018





Parent 1: (Sent three photos of their child’s exam results) Midterm: 68.5 (laugh), Final: 83.5, improved! (covering mouth laugh).


Parent 2: Zichen was just following along with the reading device, but she still has difficulty reading on her own. However, she’s made great progress, and I’m trying my best to ensure she completes the homework assigned by the teacher. A few days ago, Zichen told me that for the first time, she understood what the English teacher was saying in class, which she couldn’t do before. This is all thanks to you, Mr Yang. Thank you!

Mr Yang: Great! Let’s encourage Zichen to keep up the hard work. We’re all happy to see her progress!



Mr Yang (texting a student): When will the results be out?

Student 1: I know already...48. Improved by 10 points. I actually got all five of the “7 out of 5” questions right (a type of reading comprehension question in the college entrance exam that most students find very difficult. The student was extremely happy and surprised by the improvement after taking my course). Amazing!

Mr Yang: No joke? (It shows the surprise and admiration from the teacher, who is genuinely impressed and almost can’t believe the progress is real.)



Parent 3: (Sent a series of photos with her child’s certificate and medal of first prize in the Zhanjiang English Spelling Competition, along with a photo of me and the child at my English training centre.)



Parent 3: Got it (handshake, red rose, and smiling face emojis).


Mr Yang: Hope it helps.

Parent 3: Your writing is excellent! (two red rose emojis, one clapping emoji).




Parent 4: Thank you, Mr Yang. You’ve worked hard; we'll keep pushing forward!

Parent 5: It’s all thanks to Mr Yang’s excellent teaching, guidance, and motivation that the children have achieved such good results.


Parent 6: Got it. Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Yang! (smiling face emoji).

Parent 7: Received, thank you, Mr. Yang! (smiling face emoji).

Parent 8: (Victory hand gesture with smiling face rabbit emoji) Received.



Parent 9: Okay, thank you, teacher!

Mr Yang: Study harder!

Parent 9: Okay!




Parent 12: (Smiling face) Thank you, Mr. Yang, for your encouragement. My child was so happy when they got back. It’s because of your excellent teaching that they always come back from class so joyful, saying they love attending your classes. We’ll keep up the good work.

Mr Yang: (Fist-clenched emoji).



Parent 13: Thank you very much, Mr. Yang, for your targeted advice for Zhenghong. We will do our best to follow your suggestions (two fist-clenched emojis).

Mr Yang: Shared an article titled “The Surprising Benefits of Reading Aloud to Your Child.”

Parent 13: Thank you for sharing, teacher.



Student 2: Teacher, why does the first blank in the fourth question of the B section in Unit 5 need to be capitalized?

Mr Yang: Are you referring to “Why does Julia want to see tigers?” No need for capitalization there; it’s a typo by the person inputting the answers.

Student 2: Thank you, teacher!

Me: You’re very welcome. Remember the goal we’ve set: to improve by 10 points. Keep moving forward, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself; just do your best.


Parent 14: Teacher, what’s your phone number?

Mr Yang's wife: Mr. Yang’s number is 15119566242.

Parent 14: A friend wants to know more about your classes. Her child is in the first year of middle school.

Mr Yang's wife: She can add me on WeChat at 15011947633. I’ll arrange a time for her to chat with Mr. Yang. Thank you (red rose emoji).


Mr Yang: No problem. Today, we aim to inspire the child’s strong desire to learn English and help them understand why it’s important to learn it well. Once the right mindset is in place, we’ll start teaching the most effective learning methods and strategies for them. Gradually, they’ll have a clearer understanding of how to learn well.

Mr Yang: 1.5 to 2 hours, we’ll communicate with Chutong, adjusting based on her ability to absorb and her patience. But our classes are very engaging, so as long as she gets enough sleep and comes to class full of energy, most children don’t feel fatigued.

Parent 15: Yes, yes, following your good reputation, my child feels that they will enjoy your class. Word of mouth (smiling face emoji).





Student 3: Hi Sim Yang, I’m very impressed by the short-term memory technique you mentioned with Simmy in Impact Survival English. Could you tell me more about how this short-term memory method is trained?



Mr Yang: So rest assured, I’ll read your article carefully and think of ways to fully utilize your potential!

Student 4: Young students need to learn positive energy from you!

Mr Yang: Thank you! (smiling face emoji).

Student 4: Thank you, Brother Sim. With your encouragement, I’ll work hard and keep moving forward toward my dreams! (Note: I am not brother of this girl student - who is much younger than me at the time, but it is not uncommon to hear someone call a male brother if he or she cherishes or enjoys the friendship with you, or admire one’s works. This is an outstanding student with straight A at her school. It’s from a goodwill.)




Parent 15: Mr. Yang, your words and sense of responsibility are so touching. Students, you really need to work hard. Only by abandoning bad habits can you improve your grades and ease the teacher’s mind.

Parent 15: Thank you, Mr. Yang! (red rose emoji).

Mr Yang: As long as the students complete the tasks assigned, we’ll feel relieved!

Parent 15: Yes.

Parent 15: Mr. Yang, you’ve worked really hard!


Student 5: Teacher, I got 91 in English.

Mr Yang: Congratulations on reaching your first milestone! With one success, there will be more to come, and there’s no turning back from here! (three clapping emojis).

Student 5: Thank you!



Mr Yang's wife: Hello, everyone! Our first English class of the new school term will begin at 7 PM this Saturday (March 3, 2018). Please be on time! As in previous years, we will actively use past data to develop more efficient and innovative teaching and learning strategies. The new term’s curriculum will be outlined, and content arranged based on information gathered from the summer courses and last term's classes. We will also adjust our teaching strategies according to the latest 2018 college entrance exam (Gaokao) English policies.

Parent 16: Got it, thank you!





Testimonial from student Nick (Xie Mingjing) Student 6

Since joining the Impact English teaching group, Sim has taught us English with a unique approach. Unlike other teaching methods, Sim limits the amount of information shared at one time, avoiding overwhelming us, while expanding extensively on each small knowledge point with practical and relevant details. For example, when we discussed climate in the group, Sim would teach us how to express different types of climate and encourage us to describe the climate of our hometowns. For instance, we would say: It has a [xxx] climate or The country (or your city) has a [xxx] climate. These simple and practical sentences made it easy for us to learn how to describe the climate. Sim also introduced us to various climate types, such as continental climate, desert climate, and temperate desert climate, among others. Within just 20 minutes, thanks to Sim’s precise and vivid explanations, we learned how to talk about a topic and expand our vocabulary related to it! Everyone was very engaged and actively participated in the interaction! Of course, this is just a small example of Sim’s teaching style. I’m grateful for Sim’s method, which has deeply impressed upon me the importance of expanding memory when learning English. It has also shown me that learning English can be enjoyable and fun! I hope more English learners will join us and, under the guidance of Impact English, take their English learning to the next level!

— Nick (谢铭敬)


Impact English Internship Self-Assessment (Sophie Lu)- Student 7


During my internship, the founder of Impact English, Sim, provided me with immense support. He has been a mentor for both my English learning and life aspirations, teaching me authentic spoken expressions and grammar from English-speaking countries. He also opened up about our shared vision of enabling all Chinese people to master fluent and authentic English, which greatly inspired me and strengthened my determination to excel in English.

Reflecting on my over three months of internship at Impact English, I have gained a lot. Academically, I diligently studied English, seeking guidance from Sim and other advisors whenever I encountered difficulties. Professionally, I prepared lessons carefully and considered how to enhance student engagement on the virtual teaching platform, striving to improve my teaching skills. My efforts were eventually praised by both my mentor and the students, which was highly encouraging. In terms of management, I actively participated in internal meetings and training, eagerly sharing my perspectives and views.

In summary, my more than three months of internship at Impact English broadened my horizons, developed my skills, helped me make valuable connections, increased my worth, and solidified my ideals. Impact English is a new venture, and while it may not yet be fully mature, it possesses lofty goals and tremendous potential. I wish for a brighter future for Impact English!

May 24, 2014

Impact English: An Everlasting Image (Watermelon Li) Student 8




In my mind, Impact English has always been envisioned as a powerful wave of impact: a strong wave of force launching outward, hitting obstacles with immense power, and then radiating its strength in all directions. This image conveys the message of a core-driven impact wave demonstrating its powerful force everywhere. Through participating in Impact English’s teaching process, I have come to understand its philosophy: learning authentic, practical, thinking-based, and native-like English. Authentic and practical emphasize the effectiveness of Impact English; a foreign language must be authentic to reveal its essence. Practicality indicates that Impact English is not a rigid system but a language that is genuinely useful and applied. It starts from our daily lives, the repetitive actions, and the vocabulary we use. Impact English is not a static teaching method but one that fosters thinking and innovation, encouraging us to use divergent thinking in learning English. Native-like English, I believe, is the highest level of Impact English. If a foreign language reaches the level of one’s native language, it has truly entered the heart.

In the process of learning through the online mobile teaching project, I have learned a lot, including how to communicate effectively and form a team. Interacting with group members has been a process of mutual improvement. I have seen my own deficiencies in foreign languages and have been motivated to progress. I believe that the power of Impact English has influenced me and will undoubtedly impact the entire world in the future!

—— Henghua Li

(Watermelon Li)

April 8, 2014

