Simyang Education in the Media

  • Zhanjiang Evening: "This Impact is Unusual - Interview with Yang Siyi, an Zhanjiang-born Overseas Student in New Zealand"

    INTERVIEW - PRINT MEDIAZhanjiang Evening 《湛江晚报》24 Aug 2003An Impact Uniquely Produced on English Learning - Interview with an Overseas Student from Zhanjiang: Siyi Yang 《这股“冲击波”不寻常——访湛江籍留新学生杨斯毅》This f

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  • Zhanjiang Evening: A Letter from father to son - "Doudou" will always be your "fan"

    On May 27, 2009, the "Zhanjiang Evening News" published an article titled "Doudou Will Forever Be Your Fan," under the subtitle "A Letter from Father to Son" in the senio

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  • Zhanjiang Daily: "Zhanjiang has an English Business Card"

    杨斯毅,一位湛江籍的新西兰留学生,推出了一个推介湛江的英文网站,从此《湛江有了英文“名片”》。“Welcome to the inclusive Simsim Studio...Please feel free to enjoy..."朋友,当你打开网站英文版)冲浪其中时,也许你没想到,这是一位留学新西兰的湛江籍学子杨斯毅的倾心之作。今年春节期间,该网页刚推出,立即得到众多网友的关注。

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  • Mr Yang Talks about his Concept of "Impact English" on TV-33 in New Zealand

    Nina: 这里是幸福碰碰碰,我是主持人Nina。今天我们要跟大家分享的话题是趣味英语教学。我们今天的作客嘉宾是SIM。SIM你好。 Sim: 你好啊,大家好。 Nina: 很高兴能够来到TV33的演播室与大家分享。哈哈哈,谢谢SIM啊。SIM啊,我这边有一份早期的报纸啊,呃,叫湛江晚报,大家可以看一看。呃,上面的主题是这股冲击波不寻常,啊,访湛江籍留学生杨斯毅啊。呃,你可不可以跟大家呃,简单的介

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