
1. 折/叠/折叠

2023-05-14 09:37:55 simyang 7

1. 请把折叠的椅子打开。

2. 你应该养成每天起床以后把被子叠好的习惯。

3. 这是一张折叠椅,你使用的时候把它打开,用完以后把它折叠起来,非常节省空间。

4. 这是一台可折叠式手机和可折叠式手提电脑。

5. 这里有一叠没用过的纸张。

6. 请帮忙把这叠讲义传发下去。

7. 请把这叠讲义传递给其他学生。

8. 你会折纸飞机吗?

9. 你会折纸吗?

10. 我小时候很喜欢折纸鹤,现在我已经完全忘了怎么折了。

11. 汽车开久了当然会有折损。

12. 这家商店的商品经常打折,所以我很喜欢去他们这家店买东西。

13. 5纽币折合人民币多少钱?

14. 他们两位对此有不同的意见,有没有什么折衷的办法呢?

15. 这只蝴蝶飞得太快,把自己的翅膀弄折了。

1.     Please unfold the folding chair.

2.     You should develop the habit of folding your blanket neatly every morning after getting up.

3.     This is a folding chair. When you use it, unfold it and after use, fold it back to save space.

4.     This is a foldable phone and foldable laptop.

5.     There is a stack of unused paper here.

6.     Please help distribute these lecture notes.

7.     Please pass these lecture notes on to other students.

8.     Can you fold paper airplanes?

9.     Can you fold paper?

10. I used to love folding paper cranes when I was a child, but now I have completely forgotten how to fold them.

11. Of course, cars will have wear and tear after long-term use.

12. The products in this store are often discounted, so I like to go there to buy things.

13. How much is 5 New Zealand dollars in Chinese yuan?

14. They have different opinions about this, is there any compromise solution?

15. The butterfly flew too fast and broke its wings.
