
  • 中1:希望破灭

    1.这消息使她对理查德返回的希望破灭了。The message extinguished her hopes of Richard's return. 来源:《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2.新政府不久便使许多支持者的希望破灭了。The new government had soon disappointed the hopes of many of its supporters. 来源:《牛津

    2022-04-17 simyang 11

  • 5. Allow

    用作动词 (v.)~+名词allow a privilege 给予特权allow a rest 允许休息allow a thing 允许这种事allow an hour 给一个小时(时间)allow advice 允许建议allow changes 允许改变allow criticism 允许批评allow democracy 允许民主allow development 允许有发展allow di

    2022-03-27 simyang 29

  • 4. Admit

    用作动词 (v.)~+名词admit a fact 承认事实admit a fault 认错admit defeat 认输admit error 承认错误admit excuse 允许申辩admit one's guilt 认罪admit the reality 承认现实admit the truth 承认事实~+副词admit completely 彻底承认admit finally 最

    2022-03-27 simyang 14

  • 3. Account

    用作名词 (n.)动词+~ask an account 要求付账audit the accounts 查账balance an account 结清账目cast accounts 算账charge sb's account 把账记在某人账内close an account 注销户头collect accounts 收账cook accounts 造假账,篡改账目cook up an acc

    2022-03-27 simyang 22

  • 2. Profusion_A profusion of_In profusion

    profusion /prəˈfjuːʒən/ N-SING-COLL If there is a profusion of something or if it occurs in profusion, there is a very large quantity or variety of it. 大量; 丰富 ...a delightful river with a profu

    2022-03-27 simyang 6

  • 1. Add 词汇搭配

    用作名词 (n.)动词+~appreciate an act of kindness 感激仁慈行为commit a rash act 轻举妄动commit an act of war against 对…采取战争行动commend an act of charity 称赞慈善行为do another noble act 做另一件高尚的事do many acts of kindness 做许多善事d

    2022-03-27 simyang 5

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