Upper-Intermediate (B2)

图表1. 关于澳洲中学后不同学历的占有率以及男女分别占有率比较

2022-04-11 18:02:42 simyang 6


Sample answer:

The bar chart shows the difference between the percentage of females and males in different post-school qualifications in Australia in 1999.

Overall, women had the highest share in two qualifications, while men ranked first in three. The highest figures for women and men were reported in undergraduate diploma and skilled vocational diploma, respectively.

There was a significant difference between the proportions of males and females in skilled vocational diploma, with the former standing first with 90%.

The disparity between the two figures was almost the same in undergraduate diploma and postgraduate diploma. However, while in the former women had the highest share with 70%, men accounted for the largest percentage in the latter with 70%.

Women also ranked first in bachelor’s degree, whereas the share of men was lower by a narrow margin (55% and 45%, respectively). In contrast, in master’s degree, the contribution of females was 2/3 as high as that of males, as the latter was responsible for the largest share with 60%. (165 words)
